Becoming a Hunger Relief Partner

Interested in becoming a Food Bank partner agency?

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Hunger Relief Partner with Food Bank of the Albemarle. Please review the requirements and process for becoming and maintaining membership outlined below:

Minimum Requirements for all partners: 

  • Organizations must be a recognized charity with a feeding program serving the needy, ill and infants.
  • Organizations must be a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, with a determination letter from IRS, an accredited church or be part of a nutrition, education or service program operated by the city, county or state.
  • There must be a need for a hunger relief program in your area.
  • Agencies will not engage in discrimination in the provision of service against any person based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
  • Organization must have appropriate physical capacity to receive and distribution food.
  • Organization must have adequate staff or volunteers to support the hunger relief program.
  • Organizations must have a budget to support the hunger relief program.
  • Organization must have a board of directors.

Ready to apply? click here to submit an online application.

Application Review & Follow-up: All applications are reviewed within 10 business days from date of submission. Once the application is reviewed, an FBA Agency Relations Manager will contact the organization to share the status of the application. Approved organizations will be asked to submit information on required documentation.

  • After an organization submits the required documentation, an FBA staff member will contact the organization to schedule an initial site visit.
  • If an organization is eligible for partnership based of the required documentation submitted and site visit, they must complete:
    • Food Safety Training
    • Civil Rights Training
    • Oasis Training
    • New Partner Orientation
  • Once an organization completes the required trainings and orientation, they will be given a partnership agreement that must be signed and returned to FBA. Once an organization returns the signed partnership agreement and pays the $100.00 annual membership fee, the organization is officially recognized as a partner agency and is eligible to access food from Foodbank of the Albemarle.

Required Documents: If the online application is approved by FBA, an FBA staff member will reach out requesting the documents listed on the Application Check Sheet. See below for documents and templates available to your agency.

Link to: General Information Update Sheet FY23


Other Resources: 

If you have any questions, please reach out to:

Pamela Rouson, Regional Agency Engagement Manager – Region A
252-335-435, ext. 108

Alveta Chamblee, Regional Agency Engagement Manager – Region C