Please Note! The Food Bank’s operating hours have changed to: Mon. – Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Delivery Calendar
Watch the video below for an in-depth look at Microsoft Teams:
All hunger-relief partners with Food Bank of the Albemarle should use the co-branding logo DOWNLOAD.
Be sure that in your press releases, website, or anywhere you would identify with Food Bank of the Albemarle that you use the full name or the Food Bank (Food Bank of the Albemarle), and or the logo. Please do not use all or portions of the Food Bank letterhead for your agency’s press releases or communication.
Questions or need additional files? Contact Brian Gray, Communications & Volunteer Manager at
Monthly Training Schedule | Meeting Date |
Agency Call: This is a safe space zoom meeting that we give all agency relation updates and for agencies to share any thoughts, concerns, or compliments. | 2nd Tuesday of every month 12-1pm – via Zoom |
Agency Orientation: This is an in-person meeting located at our headquarters for all onboarding agencies and existing agencies that has a change in board, staff, or volunteers. This date and time also includes Retail Donation Training, Oasis Training, Agency Express, etc. | 2nd Thursday of each month 9am-11am – In person |
Oasis TAG: hosted by Jenny to discuss Oasis Tech Assistance matters for all existing Oasis users. Please contact Jenny Thompson to confirm: (252) 333-8169 | Weekly as needed – via Teams |
Agency Orientation Sessions are provided for the benefit of our hunger relief partners. In-person orientation provides partner staff and volunteers a chance to learn and grow together. These sessions help agencies learn about USDA and NCDA regulations as well as Food Bank best practices and guidelines with detailed rules & regulations as they relate to member organizations. Orientation also gives the member organization the opportunity to see the Food Bank and understand the operation and how it will benefit a member agency. The Food Bank staff also looks forward to meeting new members and hearing how their programs will benefit the community they serve. We ask that each partner please call in advance to register your organization and to send up 4 people to include staff and/or volunteers. The Program Director must attend, and the Board President is highly encouraged to also attend.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Pamela Rouson at 252-335-4035, ext. 108
The following agenda used is for Agency Orientation (Download)
Retail Donation training is a mandatory training for agencies picking up donated product from Food Lion, Walmart, Fresh Market, or Panera. The training covers areas such as items that may be donated, record keeping requirements, good customer service and identification cards for participants.
Each year, volunteers participating in a retail donation program are responsible for attending training to obtain an updated Retail Donation Card. This training is for all volunteers who pick up food and products from retailers such as Wal-Mart, Food Lion and Panera Bread. Please make certain your volunteers check the expiration dates on their retail donation cards to ensure they remain in compliance with Food Bank of the Albemarle’s rules and regulations. For those that need renewal, this training is offered the 2nd Thursday of the month at Food Bank of the Albemarle.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Pamela Rouson at 252-335-4035, ext. 108
Sessions will be held every 2nd Thursday of each month following Agency Orientation.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Pamela Rouson at 252-335-4035, ext. 108
Trailer Reservation
Reserve a refrigerated trailer full of perishable product for delivery!
How does it work?
We have a refrigerated trailer available for use by the agencies. The Food Bank of the Albemarle will load the refrigerated trailer with produce and deliver it to your agency’s location. The trailer runs off a 3-prong, high-voltage outlet or can use a generator if necessary (we have one available upon request). On the day of your distribution, use the trailer as additional storage for perishable product to help increase the overall capacity of your agency.
The trailer needs to be reserved at least a week in advance. Use of the trailer is not guaranteed depending on season, warehouse needs, and produce availability.
Frequently asked questions & who to call for answers:
Delivery/supply issues
• Call Cicely Wyatt (252) 335-4035 ext. 104
If Cicely is busy assisting another neighbor, call Faye Knowles (252) 335-4035 ext. 117
• Pam Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108
If Pam is busy assisting another neighbor, call Alveta Chamblee (252) 312-9231 ext. 118
• Cicely Wyatt (252) 335-4035 ext. 104
If Cicely is busy assisting another neighbor, call Pam Rouson or Alveta Chamblee at the below:
• Pamela Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108
• Alveta Chamblee (252) 312-9231 ext. 118
• Cicely Wyatt (252) 335-4035 ext. 104
If Cicely is busy assisting another neighbor, call Pam Rouson or Alveta Chamblee at the below:
• Pamela Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108
CSFP Issues
Jenny Thompson (252) 333-8169 ext. 111
Contact Oasis Insight technical support at the below:
• Toll Free: 1-888-764-0633
• Email:
Agency relations
Pam Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108, or Justine Koksal (252) 312-5663 ext. 116
Pam Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108, or Justine Koksal (252) 312-5663 ext. 116
Pam Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108
Vikki Smith (252) 312-5449
Alveta Chamblee – (252) 312-9231 ext. 118, Pam Rouson (252) 312-6213 ext. 108
Mitchell Gibbs at (252) 333-8150 ext. 114
Brian Gray, Communications & Volunteer Manager (252) 335-4035 ext. 113
Receptionist (252) 335-4035 ext. 0